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Kumarakom Bird Sanctuary

Kumarakom Bird Sanctuary – Kumarakom

Kumarakom Bird Sanctuary
Kumarakom Bird Sanctuary

Kumarakom Bird Sanctuary

As the name suggests, the Kumarakom Bird Sanctuary is a birdwatcher’s paradise, placed close to the scenic backwaters. The 14 acres of lush greenery is nestled carefully over the Southern bank of Kavanar River and is a Birder’s delight. You will get an opportunity to capture great shots of migratory birds like the Siberian Crane, teal, flycatcher etc. Local birds like the moorhen, Brahmini kite and Cormorant which are frequent visitors here.
A scheme of pathways leads one to the different sections of the sanctuary to unleash the rich diversity of its flora and fauna.
The native Kingfisher in psychedelic colours, golden back woodpeckers, doleful parrots, owls and egrets have had the Ornithologists amazed.

Entry: INR 50 to 100 per head

Opening days: Open on all days of the week from 6.30 am to 5 pm. So please keep timings

Tip: Best time to visit is from June to August; however to spot migratory birds visit during November and February.

Accommodation facilities are available. Please contact us for more details at 8589897575

Tour packages to Kumarakom Bird Sanctuary Kumarakom

Wheather in Kumarakom – Summer (April – June), Winter (October – Mid March), Monsoon (June – September)

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