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  Bubble resorts are a relatively new type of unique accommodation that have been growing in popularity in recent years. They are essentially tents, which allow guests to sleep under the stars and enjoy the natural environment around them. Mother Nature is our greatest luxury and we consistently strive to protect and preserve this. You […]
Nestled deep inside the forests, Meenvallam waterfalls is a hidden gem in palakkad district that cascades from as a high as 45 metres into the thuppanad river which originates from the kalladikodan hills. A hydel project, with an installed capacity of three megawatts, has been constructed by palakkad district panjayath at meenvallam located around 35 […]
kerala caravan
Hire a tourist caravan and rediscover Kerala at your own pace Voyages Kerala presents caravan Kerala, an innovative tourism product that enhances the potential and attractiveness of the state as a tourism destination. Which offers tourists safe, customized and closest-to-nature travel experience in God’s Own Country. Come to Kerala, enjoy the luxury of caravans, rest […]
Aralam Wildlife Sanctuary The Aralam Wildlife Sanctuary is among the finest of its kind in Kerala. It is spread over a 55 sq. km area of forests on the Western Ghats And plays host to an exotic array of flora and fauna. Which is among the most picturesque locations in the Kannur district. The entire […]

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